Your Easy Guide to Zero Waste Cleaning

It seems unsensible that cleaning your home could be wasteful and harmful to the environment and your family — but it’s the truth! Most cleaning supplies contain loads of unsafe chemicals and their packaging often creates long-lasting waste after you …

13 Easy Home Security Tips You Should Know

Did you know that a home burglary occurs every 15 seconds in the United States? Many of these burglaries occur in neighborhoods, and nearly half a million of them occur during the daytime each year. Despite these statistics, most homeowners …

8 Easy House Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Cleaning the house — a chore at every age! But seniors have specific considerations they must keep in mind. Especially when it comes to mobility, physically taxing tasks, and getting to hard to reach places, seniors should look for solutions …

kindergarten readiness tips for parent

15 Kindergarten Readiness Tips for Parents

School days are here today! Kids in Dayton and across the country are packing their backpacks and getting ready to be back in the classroom. For new kindergarteners and their parents, this can be a big new adjustment. Kindergarten readiness …

Home Energy Savings Tips All-Year-Round

Ohio experiences four distinct seasons, allowing residents to immerse in the cycles of nature. However, two of these seasons – summer and winter – can bring a toll on home energy savings. The Buckeye state generally has a humid climate. While …

10 Reasons Not to Buy a Home Without an Inspection

Are you purchasing a house without performing a thorough home inspection? Mere visual inspections – even if you perform them multiple times – will not help you to determine a property’s actual value. Pests and other infestations may be hiding …