Avoid These 9 Mistakes When Moving to a New Home

Moving to a new home is exciting — but it can also be stressful if you don’t take the right steps to prepare. From proactive packing to hiring the right professionals to ensuring pet safety, you can avoid some of the most common new home mishaps with a few simple planning steps.

In this article, we’ll cover 9 mistakes you definitely want to avoid when you’re moving — plus tips for what to do instead.

Quick Takeaways

  • Packing can take days or weeks and should be done well in advance.
  • It’s best to hire professional movers for optimal safety and efficiency on moving day.
  • Valuables like legal documents and expensive family heirlooms should not be sent with movers.
  • It’s important to transfer your mailing address and utility accounts prior to moving day.
  • Pets face safety risks during moving day. It’s best to plan for them to stay with a trusted caretaker.

Procrastinating on packing

Many homebuyers severely underestimate the time it takes to pack up their homes — especially if it’s the first time they’re moving. Packing in an organized, well-planned way usually takes days or even weeks to complete.

Waiting until the last minute to start packing not only creates unnecessary stress, but it can lead to unfortunate mistakes like forgetting items or failing to pack things safely and securely.

To avoid a stressful packing scenario, make a plan for packing non-essential items well in advance. Do it little by little so that it doesn’t feel overwhelming. Take time to group together items that belong to the same person or room, and label every box to make unpacking easier in your new home.

Not decluttering

A new home is like a fresh start, and it’s the perfect time to eliminate clutter and get rid of items you no longer need. Use the opportunity to go through your belongings and determine what you really want to bring with you, what you can donate or sell, and what goes in the trash. This is another reason you want to start packing early — you’ll have plenty of time to go through your belongings and make decisions with intention!

This video shares more tips for packing and moving like a minimalist:

Trying to go it alone

It’s tempting to want to save costs and DIY the actual moving process, but we really recommend working with professional movers. Moving a house full of belongings (including heavy items like furniture) is extremely physically demanding. Professional movers are trained on how to do it safely — both for themselves and for your belongings. They know the best ways to fit big items through tight spaces, disassemble items that require it, and pack the moving truck to keep your items secure during transportation.

Not to mention that on moving day, you’ll likely have other priorities to worry about, like signing paperwork or doing final walk-throughs of your current and/or new home.

Cutting costs is important, but professional movers is one expense that is definitely worth the investment.

Not securing valuables

There are certain items you should always move yourself. Important documents like passports, birth certificates, and property titles should never be left with movers. We also recommend keeping items with extremely high personal value, like family jewelry or other heirlooms, in your possession throughout the entire moving process to eliminate the risk of losing irreplaceable items.

Forward their mailing address

Forwarding your mail address and permanently changing it with the post office is an important step to ensure you don’t miss important documents or put your personal information at risk. It’s an easy process that only requires filling out an online form with the USPS. Allow up to 3 business days for the change to take effect!

Alt-Text: Completing a change of address request can be done by completing an online form with the USPS.

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Not connecting utilities before move-in day

Nothing dims the excitement of move-in day like no electricity, running water, or temperature control. Be sure to connect the utilities for your new home in advance. Taking care of your utility account transfers beforehand ensures you’ll be comfortable on your first day at your new home.

Not making arrangements for pets

Moving day can be stressful for furry family members — not to mention unsafe. Strangers leaving and entering the home, heavy items being moved around, and doors being propped open are all potential recipes for disaster.

The last thing you want to deal with on moving day — or any day — is an injured or lost pet. Your best bet to ensure pet safety is to leave them with a trusted family, friend, or boarding facility until they can be safely settled in your new home.

Before you move them in, be sure to pet-proof your home by removing any unsafe items and making sure your home and outside areas are secure.

Not measuring for furniture

Even if you’re moving into a bigger home, there’s a chance your current furniture may not fit the way you intend it to. Room shape plays a big role, and the size of doorways, stairwells, and other entryways can make or break your ability to move a piece of furniture into your new home. Whether you’re bringing your current furniture with you or buying new, make sure you measure and plan accordingly to avoid surprises.

Rushing into big purchases for a new home

Moving is exciting, and it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and begin overspending on your new home. The thing is, you don’t really know your new space until you’ve really lived in it for a bit. Resist the urge to rush into buying tons of new furniture, decorations, or other big items for your new home until you’ve been there for some time.

Once you have, do it little by little and enjoy the process of making your new house feel like home!

Thinking about buying a home in the Dayton area? Oberer Homes can help you find (or build!) a home you love. Contact us today to get started.

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